#WorkFromRobe Diaries with Tara Clark

#WorkFromRobe Diaries with Tara Clark

#WorkFromRobe diaries dives into what it is really like to be a busy professional woman who works from home. For many of us, working from home each day and finding the balance between your personal and business life is a struggle.

Tara Clark is an author, content creator, mother, and the Founder of Modern Mom Probs.

Tara began her career at Nickelodeon, overseeing social media for Nick Jr. and Nick@Nite. After becoming a mom and recognizing a hole in the online space for moms to authentically connect, she used her social media skill-set to launch Modern Mom Probs in 2017. She has since amassed a following of over 750K women, solidifying herself as a humorous and authentic voice of a generation of women, and her brand as a go-to resource for modern moms.

Tara published her first parenting book, “Modern Mom Probs: A Survival Guide for 21st Century Mothers” in April of 2021. Additionally, her work has been featured in prominent publications including Buzzfeed, Today, Parents.com, Romper and Yahoo Life.

As an advocate for maternal mental health support, Tara held the honor of being the 2021 Spokesperson of The Blue Dot Project, the national symbol for maternal mental health survivor-ship, support, and solidarity.

In late 2021, Tara launched Modern Mom Style Box, a clothing rental subscription service that gives members access to unlimited styles for one flat monthly fee.

Tara holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communication from Villanova University and an MBA from Metropolitan College of New York in Media Management. She currently lives in New Jersey with her husband and son.

Occupation: Founder, Modern Mom Probs and Modern Mom Style Box

Age: 42

Typical Work From Home Schedule: 

6:30AM: Wake up. Walk downstairs. Feed our 3 cats. Make a cup of coffee in my favorite thing – my Jura coffee maker. Then I start working. Mostly catching up on emails and low hanging fruit tasks.

7:55AM: I wake up my son for school. Then we do the whole morning routine (which somehow seems new to him every single day).

8:30AM: School Drop-Off

8:45AM: I’m back at my laptop to start my workday. Actually, I’m on my phone planning what to post on social media on @modernmomprobs and @modernmomstylebox

10AM: Take a Zoom call with a client

11AM: Prep for a new podcast episode recording in my “studio” (basement)

12PM: Record my podcast episode with a guest

1PM: Post on IG for @modernmomprobs

1:30PM: Create marketing content

2:30PM: Leave for school pick-up. The parking lot at my son’s school is small, so I leave early to find a good spot. At this point, I catch up on my email, scroll IG or make a video (if the mood hits me).

3-4PM: Hang out at the school playground while my son plays with his friends. (Note, this is also my playtime/ break time too.)

4-5PM: Now I’m back at my computer for content creation, client work, emails, or whatever else needs to happen to finish off my workday.

5-6PM: Dinner with the fam

6-7PM: This is the time of day where I move “to-do’s” in today's calendar to the next day. (I schedule most of my “to-do’s” as blocked time in my calendar. It helps organize my day.)

7-9PM: Bedtime routine (bath, brushing, books, you know the routine.) Housework. Laundry. It’s worth mentioning that I post one final time on @modernmomprobs. The evening post on @modernmomstylebox is pre-scheduled.

10PM: Try to fall sleep

Best Productivity Tip:

"When working, writing, creating content, put your phone out of reach, so you're not easily distracted from every notification, or use the "Do Not Disturb" feature. Check your emails only during certain times of the day. Don't constantly be looking for new things popping up in your inbox."
Stress level for the week (1-not stressed and 5- very stressed) 


Productivity for the week (1- very productive and 5- not productive


How much balance between work and your personal life did you have this week? (1- very balanced and 5- not balanced at all)

Additional Tips to Share

"Drink lots of water. Not only is it healthy for you, but it will force you to take a break and walk to the bathroom. Sneak those extra steps in!"

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